Becoming a member of KopS
So great that you are interested in becoming a member of the Scheveningen art association KopS!
About the application to become a member
The balloting committee gathers three times a year to assess the applications of possible new members that work and/or live in Scheveningen. Usually the assessments take place in January, May and September.
In order to be invited for the next balloting you have to fill out the application form on this page and send it to KopS.
The committee will then contact you and will invite you to come and bring 5 pieces of art work with accompanying details of the work. The committee wil assess the works that same day so you can pick them up again at the end of the day.
You will be notified of the conclusions of the committee as soon as possible by email.
Admission cost is € 10,- to be paid before the balloting to NL19 INGB 0006701505 in the name of Kunst op Scheveningen mentioning “admission” or “toelating”.